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Jacqueline Lockie CFP™

Your Financial Planning Maestro™ Podcast

Our podcast is aimed at professional financial planners, advisers and paraplanners in 
the UK.

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We talk all things Certified Financial Planner in the UK and globally. We talk to CFP professionals and get tips and inspiration on how and why becoming a CFP professional has been the best thing they've ever done!

We also talk to those new to the profession and follow their journeys at different points in their professional lives. You can find us on your preferred podcast platform - Spotify, Apple or YouTube podcasts. 


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S01:E1 Cover

Global financial planning and the Certified Financial Planner designation - Interview with Noel Maye, CEO of FPSB.

S01:E2 Cover

The impact of going through the CFP process and how he gives better advice to his clients now - Speaking with Amyr Rocha Lima CFP™, Holland Hahn & Wills LLP.

S01:E3 Cover

Visiting two new entrants to the financial planning profession - Interview with Meg Wicks and James Winship, from Verve Group.

S01:E4 Cover

Lessons I learned and the improvements in my business because of the Certified Financial Planner certification - Speaking with Alasdair Walker CFP™, Handford Aitkenhead & Walker.

Episode 5 Cover

Making assumptions when creating financial plans - In conversation with Robert Lockie CFP™, Bloomsbury Wealth.

Episode 6 Cover

Why I became a CFP Professional and my journey to get there! - Interview with Farida Hassanali CFP™, Paradigm Norton.

Episode 7 Cover

Revisiting our new entrants - sharing useful tips for employers. In conversation with Meg Wicks and James Winship, from Verve Group.

Episode 8 Cover

How to put Certified Financial Planner certification at the centre of your business - Speaking with Phil Billingham CFP™ and Shannon Currie CFP™, from Perceptive Planning.

S01:E9 Cover

CISI Financial Plan Case Study Assessments - the do's and don'ts to pass and obtain your CFP certification - Interview with Joanna Redmond CFP™, Investment for Life.

S02:E1 Joanna Redmond CFP

More practical tips on how to avoid making mistakes when creating your CISI L7 financial plan - Speaking with Joanna Redmond CFP™, Investment for Life.

S02:E2 Wendy Fleming CFP

Identifying and supporting wealthy clients who get into debt - In conversation with Wendy Fleming CFP™, Ditch Debt with Dignity.

S02:E3 Louise Sagar CFP

How CFP contributed to me creating my own lifestyle financial planning business - Interview with Louise Sagar CFP™, Live Vitae Financial Planning.

S02:E4 Tina Weeks CFP™

Financial planning is so much more than cashflow and how CFP strengthens my passion to help clients - Talking with Tina Weeks CFP™, Serenity Financial Planning.

S02:E5 Sarah Huffen CFP™

You can do it too! From leaving school with 3 GCSEs to becoming a CFP professional and running my own business - Interview with Sarah Huffen CFP™, Chartered MCSI, Principal of Gilded Wealth.

S02:E6 Susie Bewell CFP™

From investment manager to CFP: How the process has helped me improve my wealth management business - In conversation with Susie Bewell CFP™, Raymond James Hitchin.

S02:E7 Warren Shute CFP™

'Giving away' financial plans in your business? - Interview with Warren Shute CFP™, Lexington Wealth

S02:E8 Martin Lines

The impact of dealing with vulnerable clients - Speaking with Martin Lines, Development and Events Director, Just.

S02:E9 Matthew Walne CFP™

Old CFP, new CFP: Why I was determined to pass my CFP certification - Interview with Matthew Walne CFP™, Santorini Financial Planning.

S03:E1 Marlene Outrim

Challenging your thinking: structuring your financial planning offering - In conversation with Marlene Outrim CFP™, Uniq Family Wealth.

S03:E2 Noel Maye

Global financial planning: how the advice world is adapting - Speaking with Noel Maye, CEO FPSB.

S03:E3 Sam Adams

Need to get clear on ESG - what you offer and how to analyse funds? - Interview with Sam Adams, CEO & Co-Founder Vert Asset Management.

S03:E4 George Kinder

Is there a real difference between financial planning and life planning? - Speaking with George Kinder CFP™, Kinder Institute.

S03:E5 Katie Braden

Get your marketing straightened out to attract the right clients - In conversation with Katie Braden CFP™, Innovating Advice.

S03:E6 Brendan Frazier

Want happier financial planning clients? Then improve the questions you ask them! - Interview with Brendan Frazier, Wired Planning.

S03:E7 Jonathan Gibson

Are you passionate about attracting new talent to the profession? - Speaking with Jonathan Gibson CFP™, Wells Gibson Limited.

S03:E8 Ian McKenna

Find out about the new technological advances in the financial planning profession - Interview with Ian McKenna, Financial Technology Research Centre.

S03:E9 Brett Davidson

Being a chameleon won't help you excel in business - Speaking with Brett Davidson, FP Advance.

S03:E10 Andy Bounds

Get a day a week of your life back by changing the way you communicate - In conversation with Andy Bounds, Author & Award-Winning Sales Trainer.

S04:E1 Gareth Tregidon

How to pass your financial plan assessment and gain your CFP certification in the UK - In conversation with Gareth Tregidon CFP™, CEO and Head of Financial Planning at Nugenis Financial Planning Ltd.

S04:E2 Meg and James

Failing when you are new to the profession and expectations are high - Speaking with Meg Wicks and James Winship, from Verve Group.

S04:E3 Katherine Pautard

How you can apply your life experiences to become a great financial planner - Interview with Katherine Pautard CFP™, Wealth Matters.

S04:E4 Andy Booth

How I use CFP certification to attract good quality clients - In conversation with Andy Booth CFP™, Senior Partner at Nine Wealth.

S04:E5 Michelle Hoskin

How to spot financial abuse in client relationships and what to do about it - Interview with Michelle Hoskin, Founder and Director of Standards International.

S04:E6 Michael Yuille

How mentoring helped me become a CFP professional and a better financial planner - Speaking with Michael Yuille CFP™, Founder of Northern Cross Wealth Management.

S04:E7 Carmen Bacaoanu

How passing the CFP has helped me evolve my role as a paraplanner - Speaking with Carmen Bacaoanu CFP™, Wealth Matters.

S04:E8 Charlotte Phillips-Lynn

How to ensure that your working environment is welcoming to LGBTQA+ team members - Interview with Charlotte Phillips-Lynn, Seccl.

S05:E1 Jennifer Kay

How my secret superpower has helped me become a more confident financial planner - In conversation with Jennifer Kay CFP™, Arlene Addison.

S05:E2 Robert Lockie

The impact of erring on the side of caution in the financial planning process - Speaking with Robert Lockie CFP™, Bloomsbury Wealth.

S05:E3 Carly Dunningham

My journey to become a Certified Financial Planner professional. You can do it too! - In conversation with Carly Dunningham CFP™, Director at Pavis Financial Management.

S05:E4 Dr Moira Somers

The psychology of money and how to ask deeper questions in client meetings - Interview with Dr Moira Somers, neuropsychologist, family wealth consultant, author and executive coach.

S05:E5 Louise Oliver

Running a successful FP business, women in finance and what the Government needs to do! - In conversation with Louise Oliver CFP™, Piercefield Oliver

S05:E6 Dante De Gori

The future of the global financial planning profession - Interview with Dante De Gori CFP™, CEO of Financial Planning Standards Board.

S05:E7 Lara Gentles

How to prepare for and pass your CISI L7 case study assessment - Speaking with Lara Gentles CFP™, Santander Private Banking.

S05:E8 Chloe Phillips

Mentoring and the do's and don'ts when setting out to gain your CFP Certification - In conversation with Chloe Phillips CFP™, Pura Vida Financial Planning.

S06:E1 Sian Davies Cole

The ups and downs of gaining my CFP™ designation and paraplanner support - In conversation with Sian Davies Cole CFP™, Plan Works.

S06:E2 Daniel Ryan

Honesty: Never more relevant than when completing your CFP™ designation - Interview with Daniel Ryan CFP™, Director of UBS Wealth Management.

S06:E3 Steven McBurnie

How to pass your CFP™ certification and give something back to the profession - Speaking with Steven McBurnie CFP™, Wright, Johnston & Mackenzie LLP.

S06:E4 David Burgess

Tough but worth it: How overcoming problems helped my gain my CFP™ certification - In conversation with David Burgess CFP™, Bloomsbury Wealth.

S06:E5 Matt Greer

CFP™ certification and the benefits it brought to our financial planning business - Speaking with Matt Greer CFP™, Navigate IFA

S06:E6 Travis Perry

Entrepreneurs: Helping you improve your work/life balance - Interview with Travis Parry, Make Time Institute.

S06:E7 Lindsay Chree

Engaging clients using social media: The do's and don'ts! - In conversation with Lindsay Chree, Chree8 Social Media

S06:E8 Jamie Little

Changing careers: From building sites to financial planner in two years! - Interview with Jamie Little CFP™, Bailey Cook

S06:E9 Rachel Howard

Tips, tips, tips! An inspiring journey to become a CFP professional - Speaking with Rachel Howard CFP™, Director at Rachel Howard Wealth Management

S06:E10 Dante De Gori

Christmas Special: Changes to the global financial planning standards - In Conversation with Dante De Gori CFP™, CEO of FPSB.

S07:E1 Fiona Bolt

Becoming a CFP™ profession whilst overcoming the deaded spreadsheet fears! - In conversation with Fiona Bolt CFP™, Cameron Jones Financial Management.

S07:E2 David Henry

Combining financial planning and discretionary management to help me become a CFP™ professional - Speaking with David Henry CFP™, Sylva Financial Planning.

S07:E3 Anick Sharma

How financial planning businesses can best support future leaders to gain CFP™ certification - Interview with Anick Sharma CFP™, Mercury Wealth Management.

S07:E4 Dani Nicholls

The long term benefits to businesses who support their teams to become CFP™ pros - In conversation with Dani Nicholls CFP™, Cooper Parry Wealth.

S07:E5 Dan Boden

Rocky but worthwhile road to CFP™ certification - Speaking with Dan Boden CFP™, Director of Abode Financial Planning.

S07:E6 Natalie Norman

From adversity comes huge learning and benefits: My journey to CFP™ certification - Interview with Natalie Norman CFP™, Blake Brooke Financial Advice.

S07:E7 Oz Shtrosberg

Shifting your mindset to become a CFP™ professional - In conversation with Oz Shtrosberg CFP™, MAG Financial Services.

S07:E8 Greg Cooke

Becoming a CFP™ pro helps sole practitioners - Speaking with Greg Cooke CFP™, Polaris Wealth Management.

S08:E1 Jackie Lockie & Chris Wicks

Experts Series - CISI L7 case study: Preparation and Approach - With Jackie Lockie CFP™ and Chris Wicks CFP™.

S08:E2 Jackie Lockie & Chris Wicks

Experts Series - CISI L7 case study: Approach To Calculations - With Jackie Lockie CFP™ and Chris Wicks CFP™.

S08:E3 Jackie Lockie & Chris Wicks

Experts Series - CISI L7 case study: Making recommendations and writing up your plan - With Jackie Lockie CFP™ and Chris Wicks CFP™.

S08:E4 Jackie Lockie & Chris Wicks

Experts Series - CISI L7 case study: What to do if you are unsuccessful - With Jackie Lockie CFP™ and Chris Wicks CFP™.

S09:E1 Hetty Hyde-Durrant

How to decide what you want from an employer - In conversation with Hetty Hyde-Durrant CFP™, Broadway Financial Planning.

S09:E2 Graeme Smith

How to tackle your CFP™ Financial Plan assessment - Interview with Graeme Smith CFP™, Milne Craig Chartered Accountants.

S09:E3 Angela McAfee

Architecture + admin + paraplanning + financial planning = CFP™ professional - Speaking with Angela McAfee CFP™.

S09:E4 Will Oswald

A no course route to CFP™ Certification - In conversation with Will Oswald CFP™, Chiltern Hills Financial Planning.

S09:E5 Kyle Glowacki

How CFP™ benefits my clients - Interview with Kyle Glowacki CFP™, Cavendish Ware.

S09:E6 Jane Jones

Understanding the scope of CISI L7 assessment - Speaking with Jane Jones CFP™, Mackenzie Financial Planning.

S09:E7 Ciaran Quinlan

How I got a 99% first time pass mark and became a CFP™ professional - In conversation with Ciaran Quinlan CFP™.

S10:E1 Laura Ripley

Do not underestimate the time commitment to become a CFP™ professional - In conversation with Laura Ripley CFP™, BRI Wealth Management.

S10:E2 Oluwaseun Apta

Don’t give up on becoming a CFP™ professional! - Speaking with Oluwaseun Apta CFP™, Bright Star Wealth Management.

S10:E3 Alice Davey

The importance of becoming a CFP™ professional for those working in compliance - Interview with Alice Davey CFP™, In Partnership.

S10:E4 James Hunt

Report writing skills to become a CFP™ professional - In conversation with James Hunt CFP™, Eldon Financial Planning.

S10:E5 Chris Harris

Critical thinking to pass CFP™ - Speaking with Chris Harris CFP™, RBC Brewin Dolphin.

S10:E6 John Findlater

Golf pro to CFP™ pro - Interview with John Findlater CFP™, NFU Mutual.

S10:E7 Steve Williams

CFP™ needs strategic time management - In conversation with Steve Williams CFP™, Para-dox Paraplanning.

S10:E8 Louis Ewart

Stay accountable to pass CFP™ - Speaking with Louis Ewart CFP™, Ewart & Bridgeman Advisers

S10:E9 Carly Dunningham and Tracy Vegro

Financial Planning Week Special - Interview with Tracy Vegro OBE, CEO of Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment and Carly Dunningham CFP™, Director of Financial Planning at Verso Wealth management and chair of the CISI FP Forum Committee.

S11:E1 The Key Must Dos To Pass CFP

The key 'must dos' to pass CFP - Speaking with Kelly Selby CFP™, Amber Wealth Creation.

S11:E2 Tristan Johnson

Simplify to gain CFP - In conversation with Tristan Johnson CFP™, McKenzie & Co Financial Consultants.

S11:E3 Paul McCabe

CFP makes you a better planner! - Interview with Paul McCabe CFP™, Acumen Financial Planning.

S11:E4 Imran Kalam

Mastering the journey to CFP success - Speaking with Imran Kalam CFP™, Rhodes Wealth Management.

S11:E5 Matt Taylor

Strong foundations to become CFP - In conversation with Matt Taylor CFP™, Key Financial Planning.